Mixed  May 19, 2024



This is a NOW page, inspired by Derek Sivers. You should make one, too. My NOW page does not publish dates or news about my artistic work, but general information, as if I were telling it to a friend I haven't seen for a year.

Learning Bitwig

I tested Bitwig Digital Audio Workstation for years alongside Ableton Live as a free 8-track version, with a later purchase upgrade to 16-track, which was then upgraded from Bitwig to Producer for free. Until recently, Bitwig only ran on my Linux computer from time to time.

A few months ago I decided to switch to the full version. The reason is simple: I'm not going to update from Windows 10 to a new whatever Windows. I will then do all my audio production on Linux with Bitwig, Renoise, the Pipewire sound server and native software from U-HE, among others. My office computer has been running on Linux since 2000 without stress. It took a long time, but with the Pipewire Soundserver and Bitwig, I no longer see any limitations. Bitwig allows me to develop so much myself and to participate in a pool of great producers. More about that soon!

Anton Bruckner

For some time now I have been reading two excellent Bruckner books to expand the Bruckner cosmos around my performance "Bruckner Remixed In Space". I still have to buy one more book, then I think I'll know everything there is to know about Bruckner. I'll have to dream the rest.

Florian Sedmak " DICKSCHÄDELS REISEN" - A great book that wonderfully shortens long train journeys.
Durch Oberösterreich mit Anton Bruckner.
Zum 200. Geburtstag: Kegeln, zechen und schmausen mit einem großen Musiker
272 Seiten, Verlag Anton Pustet Salzburg, 2024, ISBN 978-3-7025-1118-0

ANTON BRUCKNER Eine Biografie - After this book you will be a Bruckner connoisseur.
Herausgeber: Alfred Weidinger für die OÖ Landes-Kultur GmbH, Klaus Petermayr
Mit Beiträgen von Friedrich Buchmayr, Roland Forster, Stephan Gaisbauer, Clemens Hellsberg, Andreas Lindner, Thekla Weissengruber und einem von Christina Schmid zusammengestellten Fototeil.
352 Seiten, Verlag Anton Pustet Salzburg, 2023, ISBN 978-37025-1126-5

Norbert Trawöger - Bruckner! Journal einer Leidenschaft - I'll read it soon.
160 Seiten,Residenz Verlag 2024, ISBN: 9783701736119

Kunstuniversität Linz

I will retire at the beginning of 2025. Then, unfortunately, my wonderful job as a lecturer at the Kunstuni Linz (University of Art and Design Linz) will be history. It was a great time and I'm already feeling a bit melancholy. But I will still continue as a freelance artist and partner in Eisserer und Dorninger GesbR. So it will be nothing like feeding pigeons and going through life granite-faced. If you are planning exciting projects, you can still contact me.


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