Bands  October 30, 1996

Band: The Smiling Buddhas - 1996 - now

Band: The Smiling Buddhas - 1996 - now

1996 - now

The Smiling Buddhas

The Smiling Buddhas float easily between Ambient, Illbient and morphed Techno structures. They create aural travelogues from their extensive travels to create a special world of music. After the spiritual insight into the hidden kingdom of Lo in Mustang, Nepal ("Lo", base 2008) the Buddhas traveled and hiked through the Atacama desert in Chile and Peru ("Atacama", base 2012). "The Alps" (base, 2013) is a retrospective view to their days of child- and boyhood in the Austrian Alps. "Latium" (base 2014) is their latest aural roadmovie telling bizarre stories from the beautiful region around Rome. 2015 the Buddhas did party all night long in big cities like Amsterdam, Rome or Paris ("All-Nighter", base) and invited you to cruise with them through Hong Kong ("Homekong", base). In 2016, they celebrated the miracles of "Alpine Rose" (Alpine Rec.) aka Almrausch.

In 2017, The Smiling Buddhas teamed up for "Cote" (base) with the great female singer Philomena from Vienna and deep voice Le Renard who commutes between southern France and Linz. "Upwelling" was released on several Trance Music Compilations and hit the floor hard on several raves worldwide! At the end of 2020 TSB published the acoustic travel report "Acoustic Postcards". They take us to places we all love and like to use for a longer stay. Travel with us and enjoy the safe, virus-free long-distance travel with us.

"Hun Fa-di" (synths, samples, electronics) and John Fitzpatrick (Sound, Electronics, Guitar) are aural storytellers. "We are poets who open up a space for lucid daydreams through sound. We love to travel openminded and when we get hit hard by our demon wanderlust we start telling epic stories not using words." Live they create hudge sonic sculptures with slow and reduced visuals with videos from their travels. Sometimes of sheer beauty, sometimes disturbing but seldom fearful.

The Smiling Buddhas smile when they wisper in your ear: "Throw the tourist out of your luggage, start traveling."

The Smiling Buddhas – Discographie - Albums:


For more information:
Homepage The Smiling Buddhas
The Smiling Buddhas at Bandcamp
The Smiling Buddhas at Twitter
The Smiling Buddhas at Facebook
The Smiling Buddhas at SR-Archiv


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