Crossmedia January 23, 2015
Alte Schmiede Wien, January 23rd 2015
t2f has a new project homepage:
If you are a viennese resident or a “lover” of Vienna your ear is needed!
Please send me a short statement on “How Vienna sounds for you!”
What did the city of your childhood sound like?
What did it sound like in winter?
Where do you go when you want to hear noise?
What’s the sound of your favorite café?
Where do you daydream? And why?
Where does your city sound most beautiful?
And where do you feel oppressed by its sound?
Here is the window where you can submit your statement or comment. Ten words are enough, five will work too, the same as twenthy.
Texts are played on a keyboard: every letter triggers a specific field recording that was previously filed in a thematic sound container. The text is the composition. The performer controls only the length and velocity.
More info on the project text2field-recordings.
Following texts have been perfromed:
"vienna sounds as bleak as like a cold burenwurst." by Klaus Obermaier performed with soundcontainer 03 "Stadt" with field-recordings by Dorninger from all over the world.
"wien hoert sich etwas staubig an, viele unterschiedliche slawische sprachen fliegen durch die luft." by Electric Indigo performed with soundcontainer 05 "soiritual" with field-recordings by Dorninger from all over the world.
"wien klingt wie eine strassenbahn, die durch dicke watte rollt." by Fritz Ostermayer performed with soundcontainer 04 "water" with field-recordings by Dorninger from all over the world.
"wien klingt nach broeckelndem putz an den falschen stellen." by Philomena performed with soundcontainer 01 "bells" with field-recordings by Dorninger from all over the world.
"horseshoes clack on cobblestone, diesel exhausts round the ring." by Far Fiction performed with soundcontainer 07 "natur-technik" with field-recordings by Dorninger from all over the world.
The plugin „text2field-recordings“ was supported by bm:uuk, Linz Kultur and the Kulturabteilung Land OÖ im Jahr 2012.
Wolfgang Dorninger
"text2field-recordings", 2012/20xx
Soundinstallation, Performance
Länge: changing
Usine (host)
Plugin text2field-recordings (text -> midi -> sound -> projection of text)
Soundsystem (best quadro with subwoofer)
An excerpt of the concert was released on the CD compilation "40 Werkstücke" by Alte Schmiede on the label Quinton.
For more information:
text2field-recordings projectpage
Alte Schmiede Wien
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