Crossmedia May 25, 2010
Part II of the "Titel im Kopf, Klang im Körper" series by Rinus van Alebeek and Wolfgang Dorninger
25.5.2010 at 18:30 you can join in a guided tour through the Akustikon. You have to send an email before to and note "Titel im Kopf, Klang im Körper".
Rinus van Alebeek "Du weisst nicht wo Du sein wirdst" Berlin, geborene Niederländer
Rinus Van Alebeek is a writer, sound artist and performer born in The Netherlands in 1956. He has published two books in his native country under the pseudonym of Philip Markus, the first of which, published in 1991, was awarded best first novel. His approach to musical improvisation is seen as radical, based on sounds captured on his travels in and outside Europe. Rinus Van Alebeek records, composes and performs with analogue equipment. During his concerts he mixes tapes thus creating lo-fi sound collages between noise and pure poetry.
The artistic biography of Rinus Van Alebeek is divided in two periods: prehistoric and historic. The prehistoric period stretches from the birth of the universe to the year 1989 a.C. The historic period starts in 1989 and is divided in three categories: literature, visual arts and sound art.
Wolfgang Dorninger "no digital effects used" Linz
Der Klang steht im Mittelpunkt der künstlerischen Arbeit, ganz gleich, ob als Betreiber des Labels base records, als Musiker (Wipeout, Dorninger etc.), Sounddesigner, Klangkünstler oder Lektor an der Kunstuniversität Linz. Zwei diametral entgegengesetzte Klangwelten dominieren sein Werk, wobei er mühelos zwischen den Polen algorithmischer Klangerzeugung und konkreter Klänge pendelt. Seine Anordnungen reichen von konzertanten Raum-Klang-Installationen, multimedialen Performances und Klanginstallationen bis zu Theatermusik und Techno.
For more information:
Titel im Kopf - Klang im Körper Pt. I
Akustikon - Linz09
Liverecording of Rinus van Alebeek
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